
Midnight Food Station-"Bye Bye Hangover"

~written by Cendi Micor

If you are having alcohol at your wedding reception, especially if it is open-bar (which, for your guests' sake,hopefully it is!), you are bound to have many of your guests suffer from a hangover the next morning. Here are a few ideas to help prevent an agonizing morning of headache, nausea and laziness.

POUTINE-It is not “scientifically” proven to prevent or cure a hangover but it is definitely a WELL-KNOWN remedy. It may be the carbs and the fact that it is just overall a heavy dish which provides enzymes something else to break down other than Ethanol.

~Photo courtesy of

Ethanol creates a dehydrating effect and causes headaches. Why not have some Vitamin Water offered and display them in cocktail glasses? This is great even for your non-drinking guests. Vitamin A, B (especially B6) is depleted by the alcohol, so offer these.

~Photo courtesy of

If you have a signature drink, choose liquors that are low in Congeners. This is a by-product of fermentation and adds to the severity of a hangover. Clear liquors such as Vodka and White wine have less congeners than darker ones such as cognac, brandy, etc. Also, don't make the drink too sweet. Sugar intensifies hangovers as well.

Most importantly, ensure that your guests have a proper meal. There is nothing worse than drinking on an empty stomach.

There are many other things you can do to decrease your chances of a hangover but these are a few fun ways to include it into your midnight snacking.

I never drink while on the job but who DOESN'T love a good poutine. Or, if you want, just fries and gravy...yummy! Just remember, happy and SAFE partying!!

1 comment:

  1. To prevent or avoid hangover Armr anti hangover drink is amazing. This drink is totally herbal with zero sugar.
