
Memorial Diamonds

~written by Cendi Micor

There is no doubt that we cherish the idea of a memory being forever…immortal…everlasting. However, what about preserving someone’s memory by creating a “memorial diamond”? It is not a new concept but definitely, one that I, only recently heard of. Diamonds, made from human or animal hair and also from ashes. Could you imagine having a piece of a loved one you lost (literally) and having it made into a diamond you could wear around with you? Creepy? Maybe, just a tad. Especially the ones made from ashes? What do you think?

How does this work? The hair contains carbon and once that is extracted, it is combined with high pressurized heat and placed in a diamond synthesis press. They are apparently considered genuine diamonds, since they have the same characteristics of mined diamonds.

Life Gem was the world's first company to offer synthesized memorial diamonds but some other places to purchase them include the U.K., Russia and Switzerland.

~images courtesy of www.lifegem.com

Would you ever consider having an engagement ring made this way? Definitely someone to think about….

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