

~written by Cendi Micor

~Photo courtesy of

I had an amazing meeting with Nishi from Night Day Productions (NISHI is Sanskrit for "Night" and DIAS is Portuguese for "Day"), and we discussed the importance of capturing special moments through Video. Not everyone is keen on having a Videographer, especially during the “round-table” greetings, but if done the correct way, it is a vital part of keeping your wedding memories. As Nishi thought-provokingly put it during our interview, “how much would you pay to be able to watch your grandparents get married?” I would love to show my video to my daughter, I can only imagine how emotional it would be to show it to her children.

Nishi has been a video editor since 2000; she did everything from rock concerts to lifestyle TV pilots. In 2005, she started shooting weddings with a small team of videographers. So rather than just Nishi editing, she now had a production team. Once the demand increased, she added some photographers to the mix. As Nishi explained, “We're structured differently from most wedding videographers, in that we're not a one-man or one-woman show. Each crew member has a very specific role: Producer, Editor, Videographer, Photographer. A lot of times, with wedding videographers, you'll get the same person shooting and editing a wedding and there's nothing wrong with that. However, outside of the wedding industry, in production, you tend to get people who specialize in either one or the other. In my experience, shooting and editing are two very different disciplines that require different skill sets and even different personalities and temperaments: videographers (shooters) are more extroverted, physical and outgoing. Editors are incredibly detail-oriented and patient and don't mind the long hours in a dark studio tweaking footage until it is just perfect”

They proudly achieved Wedding Wire’s Bride’s Choice for Videography in 2010 and 2011

Wedding Video by Night Day Productions from Nishi Dias on Vimeo.

Their next project is that they will be tackling live web streaming so that it will be possible to broadcast your wedding live on the Internet as it happens…perfect for family abroad. They are also gay-friendly.

Nishi really educates her clients about what’s involved in producing a good wedding video and it costs what it costs. She appreciates couples on a budget, but at the same time, this is a lot of misinformation of what makes “guys with cameras” professional. You can find many articles on the subject on her site

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